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Build Dakota News

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Build Dakota Announces Cohort 7

August 26, 2021

Build Dakota Success Leads to More Industry Participation and Student Support, Helping Address South Dakota’s Workforce Challenges The seventh cohort of Build Dakota Scholarship Fund students will begin classes this month, helping to fill the gap of essential workforce needs for South Dakota. The Build Dakota Scholarship In January 2021, Governor Kristi Noem announced an […]

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Black Hills Tire Employee Receives Dakota Build Scholarship

August 5, 2021

Adrian Cox, a soon-to-be Western Dakota Tech student, receives a Dakota Build scholarship that will allow him to enter and complete the Automotive Program with no debt and a secured career. Jeannie Best, Asst. Dir. of Scholarships Western Dakota Technical Institute, says that on top of having a job set in stone after graduation, Cox […]

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SD Community Foundation Makes Pledge To Grow Workforce And Educate The State’s Young People

August 4, 2021

Deni Amundson, Program Manager for Build Dakota Scholarships, reflects on receiving a $50,000 grant from the South Dakota Community Foundation. Amundson and Stephanie Johnson, President/CEO of the South Dakota Community Foundation, expect to see student-industry partner relationships to strengthen, creating a “ripple effect in our state,” in the direction of workforce retention. Read the full […]

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South Dakota Retailers Association Feature

July 30, 2021

Read the June – July 2021 newsletter from South Dakota Retailers Association, featuring Build Dakota Scholarships and its offerings for students and employers. Check out page 2 of the article to learn more.

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Build Dakota Scholarship Fund Continues Laying Foundation for Workforce

July 28, 2021

“With growth in South Dakota seemingly inevitable, there will be a bevy of jobs available for specific skill sets in the future. To help train the next available candidates, the Build Dakota Scholarship program has provided nearly 2,000 students with the opportunity to graduate debt-free and enter the workforce in South Dakota.” View the full […]

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Cohort 6: 2020-2021 Annual Report

March 30, 2021

From enrollment numbers to partners and resources to student success stories and to looking at the future, this comprehensive annual report explains the ins and outs of the Build Dakota Scholarship Fund and its long-term impact throughout South Dakota. View the 2020-201 annual report (PDF) to learn more.

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